From the Desks of SinX2017-01-09T20:53:27+00:00

November 2015

July 2014

“SInX” in the Press in India

By |July 6th, 2014|

SInX the “B&T Solutions-HUB Innovation Exchange Knowledge is “Global”, it’s deployment addresses “Local” requirements Introduction Innovation is all about Ideas, especially implementable Ideas & Entrepreneurship is about achieving sustainable business results. Put the two [...]

At “SInX”, we are not alone but are one of the first in using “Disparate Innovation” for achieving “Rapid Creation and Expansion of self sustaining and self expanding revenue streams” across “Sectors that Matter” and across local, regional and international demarcations.

By |July 5th, 2014|

At “SInX”, we are not alone but are one of the first in using “Disparate Innovation” for achieving “Rapid Creation and Expansion of self sustaining and self expanding revenue streams” across "Sectors that [...]

June 2014


By |June 27th, 2014|

Come to "SInX" the "B&T Solutions.HUB Innovation Exchange" for Solutions, Technologies, Subject Matter expertise, Financial Services and Investments  in the the following sectors: "Energy Production and Distribution", "Water Treatment and Distribution"; "Materials and Recycling"; "Life [...]